I posted on twitter a few days ago that Ive been inspired by the idea of Mach-Hommy. I think what inspires me most about him is that his focus is only on the art. Even tho' the times ive seen him hes been dripped in designer fashion-- that is not necessary his approach to creating. Like with FLYGOD I can send over the beats that most would only keep on their hard drives. But with Mach-- he provides me space to be more musical, more soulful. Ive learned a ton from watching him move and being able to ask him questions or whatnot.
On this album I produced the final track "Self Luh" and its easily my favorite instrumental of the year. The homie Matt slid through with a bunch of samples on a cd, I broke out the cdj and the first sample was the one I used on this-- I cut the joint but it felt empty so I decided to just dig through a batch of records for Ideas for melodies. The angels were with me because the first record I picked up had the vocal line on it!! I leaned into the simplicity of the groove and instantly I found a deep soulful pocket!!
I remember leaving the studio the night I made it, smiling from ear to ear— the instrumental made me feel like dancing! It’s a deep pocket. I instantly sent it to my friend @carlingstephen then I sent it over to Mach. Beautiful record that can serve as a reminder to us all— first love yourself.
Check out Mach-Hommy "Balen Cho" on all dsp. Shoutout to all of the producers, engineers and features on the record too-- yall absolutely killed it, so mant great beats!!